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An Introduction to the Handwriting

The messages given to Vassula are written by her in a stately handwriting - distinct from her own - as she allows her hand to be supernaturally guided

Many adults, including Vassula herself, have asked whether this is Jesus’ actual handwriting. Jesus’ answer was that it was not His handwriting, otherwise it would be perfect. But He always says, "Vassula allow Me to use your hand," or "listen and write..." Like many sacred mysteries, it is not easy to grasp this one fully, but it might be helpful to many if we share some of the observations that Vassula and Fr. O’Carroll have made at various times.

Vassula takes down the Lord’s message as it comes to her in one of two different ways. One way is that she hears and writes down His exact words. At other times, He gives her a ’light’ or understanding of a thought He wishes to convey. This she takes down as best as she can express it.

In both cases, her hand is guided to write slowly and majestically as Jesus prefers. She says she has been shown that she could take the messages writing quickly in her own handwriting but that Jesus prefers this way in which His presence is manifested. He is directly involved in the writing besides being the Author of the message.

Father O’Carroll makes this observation:... "Others, like Maria Conception de Armida, Adrienne von Speyr and, St. Bridget (Birgitta) of Sweden have taken dictation from the Lord. Vassula’s case is singular in that the handwriting is directly controlled. We have the transcription of an intensely personal experience of Jesus Christ with the assurance that He was involved down to the physical element of putting the words on paper." Vassula also describes it as, having her hand ’enraptured’ as when a visionary is in a state of whole-body rapture or ecstasy. The person is aware but uninterested in the immediate surroundings because the entire focus is on the sacred presence of God or the Blessed Mother. Vassula believes that just as her handwriting under the Lord’s dictation is affected by His presence, similarly whenever we are in and aware of God’s holiness, everything about us is lifted up to a higher plane than we could attain on our own. In this way, Jesus is giving us a further visual aid to His teaching that whenever we allow Him to use us and we practice His presence, the results will be far greater than by our own poor powers. He tells us: "I am the vine and you are the branches."

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