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Confusion of the persons of the Holy Trinity. Inverview of Vassula

Extract from a series of interviews given by Vassula to Jacques Neirynck.

Question of Jacques Neirynck (J.N.) : When you are writing under dictation, or when you are receiving illuminations, apart from the angel Daniel, can you always discern between the Father and the Son?

Answer of Vassula (V.) : Since the beginning I have always been very conscious of the three Persons of the Holy Trinity, and I talk to each one of them and I refer to them as three distinct persons. At the beginning, my guardian angel led me to the Father who made me feel an extraordinary and very fatherly tenderness. Later, I had a spiritual wedding with the Son who asked me to call him Spouse, Friend, Brother and Holy Companion. Even if I call him Father, as he allows me to do, there is never any doubt in me that he is indeed the Son, the second person of the Trinity. Then the Father and the Son revealed to me the Holy Spirit whom I consider as the Guardian of our soul, our Lamp, our Friend, our Banquet, our Festivity, the Pearl. The Holy Spirit is the love which renews, revives and transfigures our souls into columns of ardent fire so that we may be filled with zeal for God. In True Life in God, I speak to one Person, then the other, or I move from one Person to the Trinity. The latter may tell me something, then the Son may continue alone, then the Father.

J.N. : You are never mistaken?

V. : Of course not. The dialogue begins with “Peace be with you.” I know right away whether it is the Father or the Son. There is no possibility of error. There was never any confusion, even if I have been accused of mixing up the persons of the Trinity. I can’t possibly mix them up, because I know who is talking. I know for example that the Father talks to me, then the Son talks to me, but at first I didn’t write down that it is the Father and then at the transition that it is the Son who is talking to me. The theologian who reads all that will naturally say that I mix them up.

J.N. : But as far as you are concerned, it is always perfectly clear?

V. : Yes, quite. I would like to share with you a vision I had, for a moment, of the Trinity. On that day, I was seeing Jesus standing up while he was dictating a message. Suddenly, quite unexpectedly, I saw two other persons coming out of him, one on his right and the other on his left. All three were identical. Then, very quickly, in the same manner as they had come out they were absorbed by Jesus who was alone again.

J.N. : Are the messages different? Is the tone different?

V. : Yes. The tone also is different. In allowing me to converse with the Holy Trinity, God is trying to convey a true image of the three Divine Persons, an image which we are beginning to lose in this century. That is that the Holy Trinity is not a vague concept but a truly alive reality of three Persons.

J.N. : Could you characterize the difference in tone between the first two persons of the Trinity?

V. : Yes, because when it is the Creator, the Father who is talking, as I explained to you before, his tone is very fatherly. He talks like a father, his attitude is that of a father and his anger is like the anger of a father who is trying to inculcate some common sense into his children. When it comes to Christ it’s different. It is Christ who is talking. I feel that it is Christ.

(Excerpt from:
Jacques Neirynck, The Vassula enigma: in direct communication with God?,
English Association of True Life in God, 2001.)
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